Software Career Hints for You. Updated Daily

Avoid Scam when applying for a job

Here is a typical scam scheme. You are looking for a job board like Indeed. You are sending your resume to a position. You are receiving an email and/or phone call from someone who appears to be a sub-contracting agent. He schedules and interview with a contracting agent who says he is filling a position for a client. The "client" could be one of the FAANG, etc.

At some point they will ask you for your legal name, date of birth and social security number. You will be told that the info is needed to apply and start initial background check.

You will be given a take home coding task, but if you do to complete it or even do not even started, this will be no problem for them

You will be called/emailed daily/several times a day to track the progress of your coding task

After a short time, your Identity Protection service (if you have one) will notify you that one of these is happening (or all of them):

  • Someone is applying for a loan/credit card on your behalf
  • Someone is applying for Unemployment Insurance
  • Someone is applying for an ID card with your name/date of birth
  • You begin to receive much more phone/email/mail spam than usual
  • etc.

To avoid the above scam here are some red flags to monitor:

  • Treat all job postings on the boards like Indeed with extreme skepticism. Lots of job postings there are "too good to be true";
  • The subject who is posting the position is not an end client;
  • The subject's name is, for example, "Sam Miller", but he speaks with strong accent (usually Indian);
  • The subject's real email is a fake. Look into email headers for actual mail server. Usually it will be something like "" or "" or or similar.
  • The company's website and LinkedIn profile has fake information. Fake persons like "Steve B.", "Jack L.", "Sam R.", "Gaurav J.", "Calvin W." etc.
  • The company's reviews are suspicious and too positive;
  • The subject asks for your legal name, date of birth, social security;
  • The subject becomes agitated and contacts you daily/several times a day;
  • You are given a coding task and for some reason did not fulfill it and it is absolutely no problem for them;
  • To be continued
Topic: careeradvice
Author: vshamgin